
Relative Rest

Stop overusing your injured limbs or joints for a short while. With a significant injury, this may mean avoiding putting your weight through your leg, and not undertaking normal everyday tasks if painful.

Alleviating General Aches and Pains

Do not try to move if it causes you excessive pain, you may be doing more harm than good. However, for smaller ailments a little mobility goes a long way.

If you have neck or back issues, simply try improving your posture. Although you may not realise it, your muscles and ligaments could be under tiny stresses all day which could be causing you pain.

Try gentle heat and massage. Your muscles may be too tight from stress or overuse. It may be quite simple to loosen them up to alleviate stiffness and soreness.

A little exercise can strengthen your muscles and relieve the stresses put on your joints. However, if this causes any symptoms to become worse then cease that exercise and consult your physio.


Consult your physio

Be sure to consult your physio if your symptoms persist, or for professional advice on what you should and shouldn’t be doing with your condition – 01424 720621



Can be used to prevent excessive swelling and bruising

For Joint Injuries use the “R.I.C.E.” System

One-off injuries and sports injuries can cause bruising, swelling and pain. First use R.I.C.E. :



Raise your limb to help prevent excessive swelling



Use a Tubigrip or similar bandage to prevent unneeded swelling and offer support to injured tissues